Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

We know that travel can have a detrimental effect on the environment. At the same time, we believe in the power of the tourism industry to open our eyes to the beautiful landscapes that need protecting and to motivate us in our efforts to do so. To reconcile these, we:

  • Are paperless/fully digital. All our communications, itineraries, etc. with our clients are online, and we avoid the use of paper in our office.
  • Reduce (plastic) pollution and water consumption. Desertification and water pollution are two of the biggest environmental challenges we face in Morocco. Because these issues affect our lives every day, we are mindful of how the ways we live can perpetuate or combat them. We encourage our clients to be mindful of these issues while they are visiting, offering information and suggestions to reduce water consumption, plastic waste, etc. We also educate the local families we work with on these issues and share ways that they can make a sustainable difference, for instance encouraging them to use reusable pottery bottles for drinking water.
  • Support local and organic food systems. In the big cities, we aim to source organic food when possible. Most of our tours involve visits to rural areas, where food systems are inherently local and organic. Many of the families we partner with grow their own food such as wheat and olives and keep some small livestock like chickens, sheep, or even cows. In many cases, the bread, oil, vegetables, and more that you will eat was not only made by their hands but came from their fields. If dates are in season, we may even pick some from the trees for you to try! How much more local can you get?
  • Help you be a responsible visitor. Our tours involve visits to very special and unique ecosystems that are greatly affected by climate change and human impacts. Given the challenges our country faces, there are many interesting environmental and ecological projects being done to combat this. Some of our tours include visits to these organizations, and we can add more experiences like this to any trip. For all our tours, we encourage clients to pass through and interact with these environments in a respectful way.  

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